(Repurposed) Supermarket tags and home assistant!
Price tags can be cool (again)
Table of Contents
E-Ink Tags and Home Assistant
In this post i will show you (briefly) how i use a combination of home assistant, node red and other software to get the following result:
System diagram
Bill of Materials
Raspberry Pi 5 Starter Kit - 4GB → here (€117.45)
OpenEPaperLink Mini-AP v3 / zigbee<->wifi gateway + 5 x 1.54” Tags+ 5 x 2.9” Tags → here (€111.00)
Software Components Used
- Raspbian OS
- Docker
- NodeRed
- Home Assistant
- Open EPaper Link (preferably with an AP already setup - see BoM)
How to get started
- Use an existing server or get something which can run a server such as raspberry PI an install an OS (Unix/Linux based preferred)
- Set up Docker on your server with a container management software (i use Portainer) for your convenience
- You can follow the tutorial in sequence here to get (1) Docker, (2) Portainer, (3) Home assistant, (4) Node Red setup
- Obtain an API key for Google Maps
- Follow the google documentation https://developers.google.com/maps → Note that you need to create a developer account with google to get an API key. NB: you might want to scope your key to the Routes API
- Google offers a 200USD credit on some of their APIs, of which Routes API is one of those.
- This would mean that you will need to query the API 39,000 times for you to exceed the “free” tier (or around 1.2k calls a day)
- Obtain an API key for the Nederlandse Spoorwagen / Dutch Railways (NS)
- You can do so here: https://apiportal.ns.nl/
- you must create an account and generate an API key for the Reisinformatie API product
- Link Home assistant to your OpenEPaperLink AP using HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)
- Follow the instructions here : https://github.com/jonasniesner/open_epaper_link_homeassistant
- Ensure that your node-red and home assistant is able to communicate (see 3.)
- Have fun and start building your own tag displays!
- Use the various blocks to come up with your own way of using the API data and transforming the information into something that appears useful on each tag!
- Use the various blocks to come up with your own way of using the API data and transforming the information into something that appears useful on each tag!
Example Node-Red flow
I use the flow below to retrieve train information from the NS API and route the information to my tags!
This is what i get:
NB: The graphics are all custom specified, i do not have any plans of releasing a library to aid in this. The possibilities are endless! Have fun putting your own spin on it!
Special Thanks
https://sequr.be/ → for getting the software side setup easily! https://github.com/jjwbruijn/OpenEPaperLink → OpenEPaperLink project community https://www.tindie.com/stores/electronics-by-nic/ → Nic for having all the components available, tested and ready for use on Day 1 https://github.com/jonasniesner/open_epaper_link_homeassistant → Home assistant Epaperlink integration by Jonas Niesner https://www.home-assistant.io/ → open source home assistant!